Sunday, September 27, 2009

Keenan's Introduction


I am Keenan Haug, from Saint Louis, Missouri. I have a BA in Political Science and one in History from Saint Louis University. I spent most of my adult life as a machinist/welder and lived in Seattle, Saint Louis, West Palm Beach, Florence, Colorado, and Tuluksak (AK) prior to moving to Hoonah last summer. I am married with one son, Dylyn, who is 12 years old and is a freshman at Hoonah High School.

I taught construction/shop, welding, and computer applications as a classified employee in Tuluksak for one year. Other than that, I am brand new to teaching. Currently, I am the math, social studies, and reading instructor for middle school, the earth science instructor for high school, the vocational educator (woods now and welding next term), the Athletic Director and the CTE Director for Hoonah School.

In my free time, I like to fish, listen to music, and watch the Cardinals beat everyone else in baseball (Go Cards!!)